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AI Boosts Rapid Earthquake Response

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Earthquakes are considered among the most catastrophic natural disasters, sparking an increasing interest in their prediction. Researchers are applying artificial intelligence (AI) and other techniques to anticipate earthquakes promptly to help people find safety. The Tokyo metropolitan government has introduced an AI system that uses high-altitude cameras to detect fires and building collapses in real-time, with the objective of expediting disaster responses in the event of major earthquakes.

The AI-driven system developed by Hitachi Ltd., analyzes footage from high-resolution cameras to detect smoke or structural damage, automatically pinpoints fires and structural collapses, displays the information on a screen with reports and maps, and relays this information to relevant authorities. Moreover, it can identify areas densely populated with wooden houses, enabling authorities to prioritize high-risk areas for severe damage. Previously, cameras were manually operated, leading to challenges in promptly acquiring precise information post-disaster.

AI is becoming a pivotal tool in disaster management, enhancing prediction accuracy and improving response times. The integration of AI frameworks, such as the one in Tokyo, signifies a notable progression in alleviating the devastating effects of earthquakes, demonstrating AI’s potential to save lives and reduce damage during natural disasters.