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AI to help Doctors Spot Broken Bones on X-rays

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to reduce the number of fractures and broken bones missed when doctors analyse X-rays, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Four AI tools are set to be recommended for use in urgent care in England while more evidence is collected on the benefits of the technology.

AI will not be working alone – each image will be reviewed by a healthcare professional.

NICE says broken bones are missed in 3-10% of cases – it is the most common diagnostic error in emergency departments.

The solution, according to NICE, is to harness the power of AI to work alongside clinicians.

Mr Chapman said AI tools could also potentially speed up diagnosis and reduce the number of follow-up appointments needed because of a fracture missed during an initial assessment.

The potential for using artificial intelligence in healthcare is huge. It is being used already to help detect the earliest signs of breast cancer on scans, spot who is most at risk of heart attacks and predict when the next pandemic will happen.