The Institute’s general director Worku Gachena (Ph.D.) remarked that the AI summer camp aims to equip the Ethiopian youth with the knowledge and skills to make them qualified on the global stage to represent their country in the AI sector.

The director further stated that the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute has worked to cultivate human power since its inauguration keeping in mind the power of AI in today’s world. The director left a lasting remark for the trainees to properly use the training time to equip themselves with the provided knowledge and skills to prove themselves in the AI world to the world at large.
The 3rd round of Summer Camp training is the platform where the youth will be equipped with knowledge and expertise to foster their creative outlet in AI technology. The training encompasses AI basics, IoT, Robotics, Python Programming, and Machine Learning, as well as practical exercises.
Initiated in 2022 with 20 students, this year the program has enrolled 200 students to train them in a wide range of topics in AI.