With this year’s national slogan, “A Nation that Plants; A Generation that Sustains,” the planting initiative, which aims to leave the institute’s green legacy footprint, was held for the sixth time nationally and the fifth time for the institute.
The Institute’s Deputy General Director, Mr. Yitagesu Desalegn, stated during the program that this year five thousand seedlings that can be used for food consumption have been planted. The Deputy General Director also commended Kilinto Industrial Park’s leadership and staff for organizing the planting of the tree seedlings.

The Industrial Park’s administration has been continuously tending to the plants with the aim of creating green industrial parks. As a result, 98 percent of the seedlings sprouted out of the six thousand seedlings planted by the institute last year.
The institute has been awarded a certificate of acknowledgment by Kilinto Industrial Park for its continued efforts to create an environment free from the burden of climate change for a conducive working atmosphere.