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Will AI dominate the World?

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Artificial intelligence has become a concept from science fiction to now a reality that increasingly forms the backbone of our daily lives, from self-driving cars to smart assistants. The technology of AI has progressed at an unprecedented rate, thus opening up momentous change in industries. However, with the constant evolution of AI, more agonizing and critical questions have risen concerning its ability to dominate the world.

There have been marked moments of AI evolution across almost every human endeavor, changing the way we live, work, and interact on all fronts.

World Economic Forum report on AI suggested that AI and automation might replace 85 million jobs by 2025. However, the same report predicts the emergence of 97 million new jobs in data analysis, AI development, and other digital marketing-related areas.

Undeniably, AI changes the world for better or for worse. Potentially, it can produce great progress in healthcare, environmental sustainability, and productivity but risks concerning job displacement, ethics, and security. Therefore, innovation must go hand in hand with responsibility to share the benefits of AI while minimizing its potential downsides.